Review agent screen recordings

Use screen recordings to help you evaluate agents. You can identify areas for coaching, validate activity, or identify best practices.

The screen recording is synchronized with the voice recording and contact transcript, so you can hear or read what is being said at the same time.

  1. Log in to Amazon Connect with a user account that has the Analytics and optimization - Screen recording - Access permission in its security profile. If you also have Screen recording - Enable download button permission, you can view a button on the Contact details page that enables you to download a screen recording and view it offline.
  2. On the navigation menu, choose Analytics and optimization, Contact search.
  3. Search for the contact you want to review.

If you've added a custom attribute to your flows to indicate when screen recording is enabled, you can search by the custom attribute to locate contact records with screen recordings. For more information, see Configuration tips.

A screen recording.


Screen recording playback in the Contact details page is not supported in the legacy https:// your-instance-alias / domain. We recommend using the https:// your-instance-alias domain to play screen recordings. For more information, see Update your Amazon Connect domain in this guide.

The zoom in and out controls.

Watch in Picture-in-picture mode

You may want to move the video elsewhere on your monitor while you watch it. For example, you can reposition the video so you can read the transcript. Use Watch in Picture-in-picture mode to achieve this.

  1. Choose the picture-in-picture button on the right side controls.