Represent Yourself in Family Court

The Family Law Information Centre at the Ministry of Justice has created a number of self-help kits. They also partner with other organizations to put on a number of in-person drop-in sessions at various locations throughout the province. If you are representing yourself and are negotiating an agreement, or pursuing claims through the courts, you can also review some of the sample clauses that are provided on this page. They can be modified to suit your needs.

  1. Help Sessions
  2. Self-Help Kits
  3. Intake Assessments at Family Court
  4. Fact Sheets
  5. Sample Clauses
  6. Family Law Video Series

Did you know.

Family Law Saskatchewan Provides comprehensive information on family law as well as a form wizard to help people who need to represent themselves in family court.


1. Help Sessions

Family law help sessions enable the public to meet with volunteers to obtain legal information, assistance and referrals. These sessions offer information and ongoing support within a supportive environment for people whose cases are moving through the family justice system.

No appointment is required to attend the help sessions. A list of currently scheduled sessions is available below:

Contact Us

Family Law Information Centre

Phone 306-787-5837
Fax 306-787-0107
Mailing Address 323 - 3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1

2. Self-Help Kits

Self-help kits are packages of court forms and instructions that have been prepared by the Family Law Information Centre. The kits are for people who intend to represent themselves in court, and they cover several different types of proceedings.

The Family Law Information Centre can provide paper copies of these kits by mail or electronic fillable copies by email. To figure out which kit applies to your situation and obtain a copy of the kit, please contact the Family Law Information Centre.

Request a Self-Help Kit

Please provide name, email address, full mailing address and phone number (including the area code). Kits are available in both paper format or electronically by email.

3. Intake Assessments at Family Court

Applying to court to resolve family law issues? New court screening officers can provide useful information during an Intake Assessment.

4. Fact Sheets

Becoming a Person of Sufficient Interest
Learn how to become a Person of Sufficient Interest (PSI) in child protection proceedings.

Child Protection Proceedings in Saskatchewan
Find information on child protection proceedings in Saskatchewan for Provincial and King's Bench Court.

My Child Has Been Apprehended; "What Are My Choices?"
Find information on what your options are if your child has been apprehended.

5. Sample Clauses

In completing your kit, you may find it useful to use some of the sample clauses below in your Notice of Application or draft Order documents:

6. Family Law Video Series

The Family Law Information Centre created a video series to provide legal information on a variety of family law issues.

Finances During Separation
This video includes information on calculating your assets, budgeting, managing debt and separating your finances when a spousal relationship ends.

Child Support
This video includes information about who is responsible for paying child support, how it is calculated, and how to apply for and change a child support order.

Spousal Relationships and Their Breakdown
This video includes information about how legally recognized spousal relationships are created and ended in Saskatchewan.

Options for Resolving Disputes
This video includes information about mediation, arbitration, collaborative law and other options for resolving family law disputes.

Parenting Arrangements
This video includes information about the different types of parenting arrangements, how parenting arrangements can be determined and how they can be enforced, and where to go for further information or help.

Dividing Family Property
This video includes information on what counts as family property, how it can be divided, and options for resolving disputes about the division of property.

Family Violence
This video contains information about resources and legal options available to people experiencing family violence.

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