Reporting Quick Guides
Brief reference guides to assist holders with California’s reporting process.
These guides are not intended to be the sole source of information regarding the holder’s legal obligations under the Unclaimed Property Law. Each organization should review the entire law to ensure that it meets all reporting requirements. Review of the law should be ongoing, as revisions to the statutes may cause changes in reporting requirements.
Topic: Unclaimed Property Reporting Process Overview
- Overview of the unclaimed property reporting process
- Tips for preparing reports
- Resources for further reference
Topic: Notice Report
- Checklist to help you submit a complete, accurate, and timely report
- Tips for what to do and what not to do when submitting a Notice Report
- Important reminders about the UFS-1 for Notice Reports
Topic: Remit Report and Remittance
- Checklist to help you submit a complete, accurate, and timely report
- Tips for what to do and what not to do when submitting a Remit Report
- Important reminders about the UFS-1 for Remit Reports
- Remitting Cash
- Remitting Securities
- Remitting Safekeeping Property
- EFT Remit Methods
- Registering for EFT
- Transferring Property to the Controller
Topic: Other
- Tips for contacting owners and reunifying property before it is reportable
- Business communications and accounting tips
- Best practices for record keeping and internal procedures
- Supplemental Reports
- Out of Business Reports
- Nil Reports
- Tips to complete the UFS-1 for each of these report types
- The fundamentals of due diligence
- Common due diligence questions and answers
- Requirements for due diligence letters
- Before Reimbursing an Owner
- Complete the Holder’s Claim for Reimbursement Form
- Include Documentation
- Submit the Request
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