Required Reading

Reading is a requirement in order to complete your training and obtain certification. The number of books you must read is dependent on which program you are enrolled in, so be sure to check the appropriate training page to find out how many you must read. Books marked with an asterisk (*) are required, while unmarked books are suggested. CAPPA suggests you read books on the subjects you are least familiar with. Many of the books listed below can be purchased in our shop.

Labor Doula

You are required to read a minimum of nine (9) books in addition to the CAPPA Labor Doula Manual, The Understanding Birth, and The Understanding Breastfeeding booklets.

You must read at least one (1) book from the first 5 categories. Optimally, you should read at least one (1) different book from each section even if some of the material overlaps multiple categories. Always check to make certain you are reading the most current edition of each book.

General Reading
(Every student must read the following)

Labor Support Skills
(Select at least 1 book from this category)

Pregnancy & Birth
(Select at least 1 book from this category)